Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Rush Never Lasts

You know how I felt so good after my aquacise class? I wonder why it wasn't enough to inspire me to do it again the very next day, or at least the day after? Instead I'm once again sitting around like a blivet, thinking of making a tuna fish sandwich when, in fact, I finished Alouette-laced scrambled eggs not three hours ago.
My knitting has been on hold since I finished the Koolhaas hat before Christmas. I've got about a quarter more to do on my Clasica coat, but picking it up again is daunting. It's been so long since I've touched it.
I was hoping I'd kick-start myself by hitting Churchmouse Yarns in Winslow but, despite the beautiful Handmaiden Silk I acquired (like I needed more yarn!), the mood hasn't struck.
I'm bummed that I watched The Bachelor last night. I usually watch it the morning after it airs while drinking coffee in my robe. Speaking of which, my UPS guy came by to deliver a book from Amazon and said he wished he was able to wear a uniform like mine! Hmmm, guess I'll have to be dressed next time he comes ringing the bell.
Grey skies.

Friday, February 5, 2010

I Guess It Wasn't So Bad

I did it. I got out of the recliner and entered the pool at the local athletic club today. I was clever enough to sign up for the Senior Aquacise class so I wouldn't be shown up by a bunch of jockettes. As I entered the pool room it was clear that people had already staked out their little piece of water. I saw and snagged a place in the deep end, in the back. "You'll need a noodle," shouted one of the geriatric members. "Or a flotation vest." Um. Okay. Chose a blue noodle and got in the water holding it across  my chest. Comfortable. Buoyant. Nice.

"No, you gotta put it between your legs. Ya' know, front to back!"

Okay, that felt kind of weird but I could see the point. It left my arms free. Still waiting for the teacher, I looked around. To my left was a fairly well-rounded Hawaiian man facing backwards. In front of me was a woman who made a show of stuffing her ears with plugs (Hmmm. Is that like when you're on a plane and you're giving your neighbor a really big hint about the level of social interaction you're willing to engage in?). Okay, no friends to be made in my immediate vicinity. Oh wait, there's Jane. She's the one who subtly shamed me into trying this in the first place. She managed to snag a spot in front, where her feet could reach the floor.  No noodle for Jane.

We got right to it. Pretty much non-stop flailing around for 45 minutes. The water churned as though someone was chumming for sharks. The seniors, some of whom were actually moving per instruction, were hanging in. There was a woman smack in the center of the pool who repeated the same movement no matter what the instructor was saying, but she looked happy.

My noodle was beginning to elicit dirty thoughts so I bade it goodbye and tread water instead. Which meant my lunges were less than perfect (shoot, you can't even lunge with a noodle if you can't put your feet on a solid surface). The guy next to me, the one facing backwards the whole time,  noticed that I couldn't maintain my space. I'd keep moving forward, almost knocking into ear-plug woman with every new maneuver. "That's why I face this way," he said, indicating the water vent behind me. Just that little amount of forced water pressure was, indeed, moving me forward. Facing backwards really did keep me in one spot. That made us friends, so we could smile at one another after that.

Pretty good workout for a couch potato. I was feeling happy until I joined Jane and a few other stalwart women in the sauna. Living in Florida has kind of ruined the pleasure of saunas and steam rooms. Entirely too reminiscent of opening up a closed car in July, or sitting in a house without air conditioning in August. Five minutes was enough, just enough to have a little chit-chat with the girls.

I noticed that women in this particular locker room do not just whip off their suits and change in front of one another. They either do the magic towel dressing feat or go into the curtained off shower stalls to dress. I did half and half. I was okay with the top, but my belly and butt are just too unattractive to expose (at this time).

I guess I should do it again. It's probably better for me than sitting around in my robe for four hours, watching The Today Show and Ellen. And I do feel pretty righteous.